If you read any of my previous posts, you’ll know I took a break from treatments for a couple months. I needed to go back to work and the side effects were getting worse with every chemo.
I was just tired – mentally and physically.
My first treatment of 2023 was in February. Same chemo as before. Nothing was different. I loaded up with steroids the night before and the morning of, same as usual.
They always start the Taxol first and the bag usually takes around 3 hours to complete. Before they start the Taxol, they give me antacids and liquid Benadryl and something else that I don’t remember off hand. So, I am usually loopy and ready to sleep once the chemo gets started.
The only real difference is that I was in a bed instead of a recliner this time and was laying pretty flat, whereas I am usually sitting up some.
All of a sudden, I cannot breathe!
I sit up and hit the nurse button. I coughed a few times and was able to get my breath back. They stopped the Taxol and called my oncologist’s office.
Someone else in the Infusion Center was also having some kind of issues, however, they were taken out by EMS.
The nurses gave me some more Benadryl and another drug and restarted the Taxol – but at a slower rate.
I had no other issues after that.
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